Enhanced Air Defense Capabilities: OSA AK Missile System Upgrade

The Osa AK missile system, a Russian-origin system acquired by India in the 1980s, is for the country’s air defense strategy. Designed for quick reaction surfaceto-air defense, it is deployed for airfield protection by the Indian Air Force and tank protection by the Indian Army. Over the years, the system faced challenges in accuracy, operational setup time, and system uptime, prompting an upgrade need.
The original system encountered three significant challenges. Firstly, the alignment system’s ability to identify target locations and incoming vectors wasn’t up to standards. Next, the setup process required twenty soldiers and two hours to deploy. Additionally, the various sub-systems that constituted the system failed frequently and were cumbersome due to its use of largely outmoded technologies.
The combat vehicle carrying the Osa AK system underwent significant improvements and now has higher accuracy and efficacy, making it a reliable last line of defense, thanks to the revamped automated antenna deployment mast, and wireless communication between the alignment system vehicle and the combat vehicle carrying the missiles. The reduced setup time via the new alignment system ensures accurate target acquisition and quick reaction capabilities. The missile checkout system has eliminated the need for a second vehicle and improved the launch sequence initiation and accurate and automated go/no-go decision-making.
Pinaka, a ZETWERK company has also taken on the MRO of the Auxiliary Power Unit of the Osa AK. Having indigenized substantial parts of the engine, we service an APU within three weeks as against six months by the OEM. The missile launch checkout system entailed a ground-up design with multiple sensors and actuators, implements the initiation of the missile launch procedure, and a go/no-go algorithm microsecond-level decision-making capability. We have miniaturized the equipment, replacing an entire truck trailer with a trolley-mounted system that can be mounted to any other vehicle for the platform’s high operational availability.
Our revamped Osa AK system sets a new standard in air defense. With improved accuracy, rapid deployment, and cutting-edge technology, we’ve transformed challenges into strengths, ensuring swift and precise protection for critical assets.

Abhishek Sinha
Business Head – Aerospace & Defence